Adult Leagues
Whether you are looking for gender-specific teams with a more serious focus or Coed teams for fun and exercise, we have options for you. Players 16 years of age and older are encouraged to join one of our adult leagues which play primarily in St. Albert. Each league will register independently.
St. Albert Men’s Soccer League (SAMSL) offers players over 16 a league in which to play during the Outdoor season. This competitive league keeps season statistics with playoffs, awards, and an opportunity to compete in Senior Provincials. All games will be played on the City of St. Albert and Riel fields with qualified referees and assistant referees.
Looking for a team to be a part of or a league to play in, send your information to Marj at
For rules and game sheets click here
playingSt. Albert Women’s Soccer League (SAWSL) offers players over 16 a league in which to play during the Outdoor season. The SAWSL is about coming together to exercise once a week and play recreational soccer. All games are played in St. Albert with a qualified referee in attendance.
While this fun league accepts registrations by the team, we are happy to help match individual players with teams that are looking to fill some spots. Send your name and contact info to Marj at
For rules and game sheets click here
The St. Albert Coed Soccer League (SACSL) is about coming together for some exercise once a week and having fun. To keep with the theme of recreational soccer, no statistics are kept, and no trophies or medals are awarded. All games are played in St. Albert with a qualified referee in attendance.
While this fun league accepts registrations by the team, we are happy to help match individual players with teams that are looking to fill some spots. Send your name and contact info to Marj at
For rules and game sheets click here.
St. Albert Men’s Masters Recreational League (SAMMSL) offers players over 35 the opportunity to continue to get out and get some exercise doing what you enjoy.
League games, both Indoor and Outdoor, take place at Victoria Soccer Club fields at 14020 – 142 St., Edmonton.
Visit for more information or contact Gerry Grant